Airspy Rangerのその後 - 太
2025/01/05 (Sun) 11:44:36
昨年の12月24日の更新によると、AirspyのAirspy Rangerの開発は順調に進んでいるとの事。以下、抜粋。
the Ranger project is moving forward with a new team. The PCB size has shrinked by a whooping 40% and the performance of the UHF path has improved.
Re: Airspy Rangerのその後 - 太
2025/02/11 (Tue) 18:23:44
2月11日のUP DATEによると。
the Ranger realestate was reduced further to fit in the case of the original HF+ enclosure. This simplifies the production tremendously.